Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunset Peak

Sunset Peak

Panoramic view of Brighton from near Sunset Peak ( elev. abt 10,600ft)
 On July 24th, Grandma Hutchings invited us to spend the day at the cabin up at Brighton. While we were there, all of the kids (Mike, Jodi, Ben, Christie, Amelia, Danny and Russ) and most of he grandkids decided to hike up to Lake Mary.

Cassie and Maddie stopping to take in the view.

The hike to Lake Mary is quite steep, but it isn't very long. The grandkids all made it up without any problem.  We stopped for a few minutes to throw rocks in the water, then we decided to proceed up to Lake Catherine.

Mollie, Cassie and Grace challenged Russ to a rock skipping contest at Lake Mary.

Even though it was a little difficult for them, the grandkids all made it up to Lake Catherine.  Along the way, we saw a large patch of snow and stopped to have a snowball fight.  Once we reached Lake Catherine, Alex, Ben and I continued up the trail toward Sunset Peak while the others went back to the cabin.

Uncle Ben and Alex near the summit of Sunset Peak.  My good camera ran out of battery power at the top of our hike so I took this picture with my cell phone.
We nearly made it to the summit of the peak when we ran out of time and decided to turn around.  At 10,678 feet in elevation, the view from the top was quite impressive.  Alex and I had a good chance to talk along the way.  I was proud of him and I was impressed with how well he hiked.  From the cabin to Sunset Peak is about 4.5 miles out-and-back.

My self portrait from near Sunset Peak.  Lake Catherine is in the lower right corner.  Lake Mary is in the background in the center of the frame.

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